Noises in
the Attic?

Experienced Mouse, Rat & Wildlife Control Experts

Get Rid of
Rodents fast!

Rats and mice can pose a significant threat to your property and those living in it. Not only do rodents cause significant structural damage, but they also carry at least 35 diseases. People in your property can be infected with rodent-borne diseases through contact with rodent urine, feces, and saliva.

If you believe you have a rodent problem or want to prevent rodent activity before it starts, contact Miss Phoebe's  right away. We can provide you with a safe and effective solution that ensures your unwelcome tenants vacate the premises.

Call today and ask our qualified rodent control professionals to inspect your property: 214-357-7373 

Have you heard rodents?

If you hear scratching in your walls or scampers in the attic, there's no time to wait because rodents attract more rodents. Our skilled rodent control experts eradicate these creatures and their hazardous waste from your entire home, leaving you with a clean, healthy environment. We proudly remove rodents like squirrels, raccoons, rats, mice, voles, armadillos, bats, and more, while also preventing them from returning. Our highly experienced team offers monitoring, baiting, exclusion, trapping, disinfection, and even odor neutralizing services to get your property back to normal in no time. 

Diseases carried
by rodents

Because of their ability to breed quickly, rodents populations have boomed and caused over 35 distinct diseases across the world. These horrible diseases have long-term side effects and are sometimes even fatal for humans. One scary fact about rodents is that even without biting, they can still spread diseases indirectly through feces, contact with a pet's fur, and fleas as well. Some of the most dangerous illnesses rodents spread include
Salmonella, Flea-borne typhus, Rat-bite fever, Lymphocytic choriomeningitis, Hantavirus, Tularemia, and Leptospirosis.

Structural damage from rodents

Rodents cause hundreds of millions of dollars in damage throughout the U.S. every year. Gnawing through wires, wood, rubber, and insulation, rodents can greatly damage a building’s structure, and even cause electrical fires. An individual mouse produces over 25,000 droppings a year and urinates constantly, as well as breeding a dozen young every three weeks! So the damage increases exponentially as time goes on. If you suspect a rodent problem on your property, please act immediately. The longer you wait, the more at risk your property will be.

Types of Mice & Rats in Dallas

In a 2019 report, Dallas was considered the 15th “rattiest” city in the U.S. This means a great deal of our community members suffer from rodent infestations, sometimes unknowingly. Homes in Texas are typically only exposed to these most common damaging types:


House Mice

We’re starting with the most common rodent found in homes. This fairly small mouse has short, velvet-like, grayish-brown fur. They produce a high-pitched squeak and can squeeze into even the smallest crawlspaces of homes or businesses.


Deer Mice

These tiny, nocturnal pests have large eyes and ears, and typically have white underbellies and feet. They are small in size, between only three and four inches (not including the tail) and are fairly widespread across the continent. 


Norway Rats

The largest of the common rodents, Norway rats (also called brown rats) can grow between 13-17.5 inches from nose to tail. They have blunt, rounded noses with a highly developed olfactory sense, small ears with acute hearing, and scruffy brown fur. 


Roof Rats

As the name suggests, roof rats (or black rats) most often access properties through your roof or attic, where they can cause a lot of damage to your insulation, wiring, and more. They are natural climbers with pointed noses and large ears and eyes.